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The  students  of  Insurance, as well as  other  specialties   met  the  representative  of “Ingo-Armenia”  at  N206  auditorium  at  the  Department  of Finance at  ASUE  today. The  acting  Head  of  the  Department  Zakar  Kirakosyan,  addressing  the  students,  mentioned  that their  Department maintained close relationships with the employers  and  at  the  same  time highlighted the  direct  communication,  during  which  the  student  learn  more  about  the  employer’s requirements.

The  acting  Head  of  the  Chair  of  Banking  and  Insurance Anna  Aslanyan  assured  the  students  to ask  questions and listen carefully to the speaker for detailed information on the major issues and requirements of the employer's position.

HR Manager   at  “Ingo-Armenia”  insurance company  Karine  Yolyan (a specialist   Naira  Zurabyan  was  also  present)  presented  the  company’s  activity (mission,  values, its position  in Armenian insurance market),  then  presented “Ingo-Armenia”  as  an employer;  its structure, administrative staff.  She  mentioned  that the  Deputies of  Executive Director  Arevshat  Meliksetyan  and  Samvel  Margaryan  were  ASUE  graduates.

The  students  asked  a  number  of  questions  and  got  proper  answers  to  them.



ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division