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Vahe  Ayvazyan,  business expert  at “Ayvazyan & Partners”  company,  was  hosted at  the  Department  of  Marketing  and  Business  Management  today  by  invitation of  ASUE Continuous and Supplementary  Education Center. The  expert  conducted  a  master  class  entitled “The correct application of sales techniques in  the  RA”.

As initially informed Vahe  Ayvazyan, his goal was to convey theoretical and practical professional knowledge to students, to  share  his  experience  helping  them  to orient  correctly.

Note, that  the  class  was  conducted  by  an interesting way:  the  students  learned  about a  number  of  secrets   of  sales techniques and tricks. 

Our  students  are  interested  in such  kind  of  classes. They asserted that the master classes, seminars enriched  their knowledge.


 ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division