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The  Scientific Council  of Armenian State  University  of  Economics conducted  the  first session on February 7, 2014.

After  establishing  the  agenda  Gagik  Vardanyan, the  Vice-Rector  of  Science  and  International  Relations,   reported  about  the  results  of  the  University research  activity  in 2013  and  the  problems  in 2014,  presenting  the  University  scientific  life, particularly  stressing,  that  research  works  on  54  themes  were  being  conducted  at  the  Chairs during  the reporting period,  3  grant  themes  of  State Committee of Science  of  the  RA  Ministry  of  Education and  Science  had  been  carried, as well as 13 inter-university  scientific grant themes (including  70  lecturers,  PhDs  and  students),  research of  15  research  directions  at  “AMBERD”  research  center  had been  conducted (about 90 lecturers, PhDs, students  of  Master’  Degree, employees  of  State Governing  Bodies, experienced specialists of  the private sector  are  included).

The  Vice-Rector referred  to the  University  scientific  publications, their participation in various conferences, seminars,  conferences  organized  at  the  University, students’ involvement in scientific life,  as  well as the  current  problems capable to  be  solved.

“Overall, the obtained results  are satisfactory, it’s  important  that the University has created a research environment. 

Despite some flaws,  in 2013 it was the first time that such a large-scale University research activity was carried out”; concluding  his  speech,  said  Gagik  Vardanyan  and  expressed  hope  that scientific  life  would  be  more  effective   in  2014.

Mikayel  Melkumyan,  the Heads  of the  Chair  of  Microeconomics and Organization of Entrepreneurial Activities,  Aram  Sargsyan,  the  Head  of  Philosophy and Armenian History, spoke  and  welcomed the previous year’s scientific activity,  also  suggested to  continue the  started initiatives. 

Koryun Atoyan, ASUE  Rector,  Professor,  presented  the  second   issue  of   the  agenda  to  establish the  working  plan  of the  2nd semester  of  the  2013-2014  academic  year.

Paruyr  Kalantaryan,  the  Vice-Rector  on Educational-Methodological  Matters, presented  the  issue of  establishing the subject  list  of final  certification exams  of  Bachelor’s  Degree  of  “Banking”  specialty. The  Scientific Council established  the  presented  issues.

A  number of  issues  regarding  thesis’ topics,  scientific directors  were  discussed  and  established.  The  Scientific Council  guaranteed  for  publication the materials  of  conference entitled “Issues  of  Socio-Economic  Development  of  Regions  in the  RA” conducted  at  ASUE  Yeghegnadzor  Branch.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division