ASUE Celebrated World Savings Day

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World  savings day is  celebrated on October 31  and on this  occasion a measure was  held  at ASUE jointly initiated by the Central Bank, Union of Banks of  Armenia  and Deposit Guarantee Fund of Armenia. Seyran Sargsyan, UBA’s President, Hermine Harutyunyan, Director  of Deposit Guarantee Fund of  Armenia, and Almast Muradyan, Assistant to the Director, Narek Ghazareyan, Head of  Real Sector Analysis and Forecasting Division of  the  CBA, were  hosted  at ASUE.

The  meeting  was  attended  by Gagik Vardanyan, Vice  Rector  of  Science  and  International Relations, Ashot Salnazaryan, the  Chair  of Finance, Professor, lecturers of the Chair, students mainly  from the  Department of  Finance.

Welcoming the attendees  and referring to the day’s advice, Gagik Vardanyan highlighted  the ability to economize and the role of financial literacy.

Seyran Sargsyan also evaluated the day's advice, explaining to students why it is important to save money and then mentioned a few steps to help save money easily.

Hermine Harutyunyan referred  to how  to  save  money safely: investing deposits, and then spoke about the mission of the Deposit Guarantee Fund of  Armenia: it repays deposits up to AMD 10 million.

The  main part of  the  measure  was Narek Ghazaryan’s  report  on “The Impact of Savings on Long-term Economic Growth”. In particular, the CB representative  discussed the following issues: savings in the system of national accounts, savings-investment-economic growth relation, financial system and savings, savings promotion system, international experience. He  also  stated  how  the  economic grow is  developed.

The  guests  answered  the  students’ questions.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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