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Today, the new academic year started at Armenian State University of Economics according to the tradition in festive, colorful atmosphere. The University welcomed all students particularly emphasizing on their visit who left the school and were applicants a few months ago overcoming the competitive threshold of the admission examinations, today they are ASUE students. 

 ASUE Rector, Doctor in Economics, Professor Koryun Atoyan fraught his speech to the students and specially freshmen of the Department of Computer Science and Statistics  visiting the building situated in Zeytun district.

Welcoming students, freshmen, their parents and counterparts, ASUE Rector represented the tradition of our University, he spoke about reforms that have been done in recent years in the University referred to aimed steps of the improvement of the education quality by University Administration. The head of Chair of
Economic Computer Science and Information Systems Vardan Sargsyan also congratulated the students of this Department emphasizing that although the Department of Computer Science and Statistics   is physically far from the University, it will not prevent the students here to be under the caring and quickly integrate in University life.

Later Koryun Atoyan congratulated, welcomed and  wished good luck of study to the new students of all five Departments in Big hall of ASUE central building, then in the another hall of the same building. “There are many professions, various Universities in the Republic of Armenia and among them; you’ve chosen the Armenian State University of Economics. It contains a great meaning that obliges us. It ensures that our University has its high rating in the range of Universities”,- Rector Koryun Atoyan stated, then represented the main directions of the university’s activity from the innovation of educational process to the technical equipment and well-maintained environment.

Referring to tuition fees Rector ensured that a big social package will run behind of it and students, virtually, will have much more privileges than in the past. Rector informed that the University will provide the hostel with almost free conditions and canteen will run with the least prices for the students who came from districts. 

 “Since tomorrow I will have meeting with freshmen of all Departments and will represent the regulation that have elaborated and operated from the academic year by our University. It provides scholarships, discounts, benefits, the complex of compensations and a flexible system.

Taking this into account the University Administration ensures that a good student but socially vulnerable one will not lose the opportunity of education. Hence, I call you to think only and only about well-studying, the university administration will ease the social issues and the burden of tuition fee.  It means that you will have very favorable conditions and you should only make your student debt sacredly that is: to study well”,- stated Koryun Atoyan.

Congratulating the parents of freshmen, Rector mentioned:” A big dream of the Armenian parent’s life is to give an education to his/her son. I believe that we will do everything to ensure the quality of education for your sons”. To learn Rector’s complete speech, you should visit the following link:

The head of Student Council at ASUE Sevak Khachatryan also congratulated the newcomers reminding once more that the freshmen made one of the important steps in their life, the first serious victory which they should foster with studying well and correct behavior of student. He mentioned that ASUE is the University where the voice of student is heard and the opinion is taken into consideration.

The staff of Media  and  Public Relations  Division welcomed the newcomers with the ASUE official “Tntesaget” magazine, varicolored leaflets about ASUE official web-site and the official Facebook page of our University.

Since today, we will give “Student guide” informational brochures to the newcomers in Department where are in detail outlined the student’s rights and obligations, the important and key provisions about educational process. This is also posted with complete form in the University official site:

Joining all warm speeches, we also welcome the freshmen and wish the effective years of knowledge, the acquisition of professional skills which, we believe, will also be filled with student rewarding daily life: new friendships, various activities.  

 ASUE  Media  and  Public Relations  Division