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Solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas of full-time Bachelor's program was continued at ASUE Departments. 
The Dean of the Department of Accounting and Audit Ashot Matevosyan, the Head of the Chair of Managerial Accounting and Audit Liana Grigoryan, the President of Student Council of the Department Esma Dallaqyan welcomed the graduates and wished success.
"This day is important for each of you as you get graduate diplomas and will flatten your working way. I wish you to have success and present everywhere our University with great honor. Wherever you go be ambitious, never forget your native University"; congratulating the graduates said Ashot Matevosyan.

The Dean of the Department of Marketing and Business Management Tatul Mkrtchyan congratulated and wished the graduates' diplomas to have important role in their life. The Heads of the Chairs also congratulated and wished success all graduates and the diplomas were awarded. 
The graduates of the Department of Management were gathered at ASUE Big Hall. "Finally came the desired moment when you get your diplomas. Let them become the way of your progress of life"; congratulating the graduates said Miqayel Tavadyan. The Deputies of the Dean Mery Badalyan and Vardan Vlasyan congratulated and wished them success.

"Today you get your Bachelor's degree diploma, which gives you opportunity, power and confidence for the future. You can use your professional skills and register working progress"; said the Deputy of the Dean at the Department of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Relations Arsen Petrosyan. The Heads of the Chairs Hovsep Aghajanyan, Ishkhan Tigranyan and Associate Professor Razmik Petrosyan also congratulated the graduates.
The Dean of the Department of Finance and acting Head of the Chair Ashot Salnazaryan congratulated the graduates and wished them success.

"We have passed a long way together. We have acquire other values except professional knowledge, we learn to help friends, and overcome difficulties together. I want you to remember always that you are ASUE students and wherever you go keep high the honor of your native University. I except wish you success, be always fair, kind and honest"; said the Dean of the Department. "We have become familiar during these years. I want this event always be with you, in your hearts and your souls"; said Ashot Salnazaryan. The graduates of the Department of Computer Science and Statistics also gathered at main building of ASUE to get their diplomas. The Dean of the Department Zaqar Kirakosyan and the Deputy of the Dean Manuk Movsisyan also congratulated the graduates and handed diplomas.The Dean of the Department also informed ASUE Media and Public Relations Division that graduate of Bachelor's degree Astghik Hovhannisyan expressed gratitude on behalf of the students.






ASUE Media and Public Relations Division