Chair of Marketing Held a Scientific Seminar, the Speakers of Which Were the Young Scientists

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Young scientists of ASUE Chair of Marketing in the frames of scientific seminars of the chair today presented their research on the following topics; “Marketing Issues of RA Telecommunication Sphere” and “Marketing of Diaspora; Guide of the Usage of Social Capital”.

Gagik Vardanyan, Vice-rector of Science and International Relations, Khoren Mkhitaryan, Head of Science and PhD Division, Ararat Zakaryan, Doctor of  Sciences, Professor, the Chair of Marketing, Faculty members, PhD and Master’s degree students were present at the seminar.

Professor Gagik Vardanyan in his welcome speech mentioned that traditional chair seminars held during ASUE scientific session would provide opportunity to differentiate lecturers with research skills and encourage them. The Vice-rector mentioned that ASUE, as a center of economical thinking should provide recommendations to the Government on the solution of economical issues and, indeed, recommendations must be elaborated as a result of these seminars.

The first speaker was Grisha Amirkhanyan, PhD in Economics, lecturer at the Chair of Marketing.  His report was regarding the issues of the Marketing of RA telecommunication sphere. Emphasizing that telecommunication sphere is one of the key branches of the economy of the country the speaker presented the state policy regulating the RA telecommunication sphere, afterwards he showed the distribution of telecommunication revenue by separate sectors of activity, the big part of which belongs to Mobile connection.

Touched upon were also the issues of RA “Information and communication” branch and GDP increase growth rates of 2003-2015, the average monthly revenue provided to one active customer from the services of the three leading operators ( VivaCell, Beeline, Ucom) and average monthly tariff changes of one customer.

Identifying marketing issues the telecommunication operators face, the speaker made some significant remarks; mobile connection yields its position to so called OTT applications (Viber, Skype, Whatsapp and etc.,), which demand only internet and provide calls to almost all the countries. As a result of the survey done by the researcher almost 70 % of RA population has internet connection, and 54 % make use of OTT applications.

The next speaker was Haykaz Fanyan, PhD student. His research was regarding the marketing of Diaspora and the ways of usage of their social capital. The research was descriptive and there were no recommendations provided. We need to stress that this was not the topic of PhD thesis of the speaker; the topic was just in the center of his interests.

Presenting the international successful experience the speaker showed how to use the social capital of the Diaspora for the development of RA economy. He spoke about the features of Armenian Diaspora, evaluated the potential, and clarified the meaning of the Marketing of Diaspora.

The speakers responded to the raised questions.

“During the seminar the research of young scientists of our chair were presented which is aimed at the motivation of Master’s degree students to receive PhD education and conduct scientific research. We try to motivate the students through young scientists. By the way, Haykaz Fanyan has just returned from abroad (Erasmus+ program) who besides his PhD thesis topic is also interested in Diaspora Marketing and has done very important research. We try to develop scientific and research potential of the Chair and can happily say that we have very promising young scientists”,- said Ararat Zakaryan.


ASUE media and Public Relations Division 

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