Today Chair of Finance Gave a Seminar

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ASUE Chairs go on giving scientific reports.  Today  the  Chair of Finance reported  on “The Assessment of the Impact of Monetary Policy on the Development of the Securities Market”  and “Forms and Basic Principles of Customs Control in the Republic of Armenia”.  The  seminar  was attended  by Koryun Atoyan, ASUE Rector, Professor, Gagik Vardanyan, Vice Rector  of Science  and  International Relations, Khoren Mkhitaryan, Head of  Science and PhD Division, Ashot Salnazaryan, the Chair of Finance, representatives  of Faculty, employees  and  students.

Koryun Atoyan  highlighted the initiative of conducting scientific seminars and the participation of students, then  stated that the  World high raking Universities  are  also  research centers, and  today ASUE seeks  to create  such authority. The  Rector stressed  that  the lecturer  should  be also a researcher  and the  seminars  are  aimed  at revealing the research  potential of the Chairs.

Vice Rector Gagik Vardanyan stated  that quite interesting reports had been already presented, discussions  were held, which  was  initially expected.

Ashot  Salnazaryan stressed  the need for conducting scientific-research activity by lecturer, PhD, Master’s degree  student, then  introduced  the reporters.

Haykaz Aramyan was the  first  one, who assessed  the impact of monetary policy of the  RA CB  on the development of securities market, particularly referring to the impact of the concrete tools  of the  RA CB Monitory Policy.

Mikayel Gyulasaryan and Anahit Zhamkochyan, PhDs in Economics, Associate Professors,  were  the  next  to report on  “Forms and Basic Principles of Customs Control in the Republic of Armenia”. Their report was anchored on the implementation of customs control within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union, its principles, application features.

The  reporters answered the attendees’ questions.



ASUE media and Public Relations Division

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