ASUE Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan’s Congratulatory Message on ASUE Librarians' Day

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Koryun Atoyan congratulated  ASUE librarians on professional holiday.

Dear colleagues, every year on October 7, staff of our University library celebrates its professional holiday.

By celebrating the Librarian's Day, we show respect and tribute to the best composition of human intelligence and creative spirit – the  book  and the  person, who is the nearest one to it by the  professional mission –the  librarian.

I am sure  that due to professional and dedicated librarians the worship of book and literature will everlast for  us.

I congratulate our University library staff and wish personal and working success. Thank you for your honest and good work, go on your  fair   and  valuable service.

Best regards,

ASUE Rector, Professor

Koryun ATOYAN             

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