ASUE Shooters – Winners of Republican Games

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On October 7, shooting championship was  held within the frames  of the RA 18 Republican Student Sport Games, which was attended  by  student-shooters  of 8 Universities.

Hakob Kyokchyan, Associate Professor of the Chair of Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense, coach of shooting section, informed  that  Narine Hakobyan, the 4th year  student of Department of  Finance won in the girls' individual competition. ASUE shooters team won the  second  place in the team competition. Here are  the  members  of  ASUE  shooters team: Narine Hakobyan, Edgar Ghambaryan (Department of Finance), Norayr Antonyan (Department of Computer Science and Statistics).

 We  congratulate  our athletes.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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