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Launch meeting  of  “Armenian coordination “University-Employer”  Agency”  Tempus  Project (№ 530321 TEMPUS-1-2012-1-AM-TEMPUS-SMHES) took  place  in Armenian State  University of  Economics  today,  hosting  the representatives  of  partner  organizations  including  Koblenz-Landau  University (UKOLD),  Germany,  European  Centre  of  Studies  and  Initatives  (CESIE), Italy,  Information  Systems  management  Institute  (ISMA), Latvia, World  University  Service-Austrian Committee (WUS), Austria,  University of  Alicante (UA) Spain.

ASUE  Rector, Doctor  of  Economics, Professor  Koryun Atoyan opened  the meeting.  We  present  the  whole  speech  below:

Dear partners, guests,

 I welcome you to the kick-off meeting of “Armenian Coordination “University -Employer”Agency”Tempus project in ASUE.

The project, which were going to implement together, is in compliance with European educational reforms and developments. Though it’s already 13 years since Bolognaprocess has commenced, educational reforms are still being continued. Present developments are conditioned  with the implementation of education policy. And universities take this responsibility. The fulfilment of educational reforms and in general social development undertaken all over Europedepend on the activities of universities. As it is mentioned in Magna Charta Universitatum - ..... the future of mankind depends largely on cultural, scientific and technical development; and that this is built up in centres of culture knowledge and research as represented by true universities.

The universities are being reconstructed according to new challenges. They become  open platforms for independent and creative mind, serving the society educational, scientific and other services. The exchange of information and documentation for the essential development of knowledge at the universities are needed, besides it is utmost necessary to have joint programmes as to enhance quality of education. as it was accepted in times of the establishment of universities,  nowadays, as well, universities ought to promote the mobility of students and academic staff and accept equal status, academic degrees, obtained credits and realize the university's most important mission – to teach.

Universities should gradually overcome marginalization and become not only open platforms/systems, but also they should bridge education with labour market. All the stakeholders, students, parents, employers, alumni, state organizations, NGO-s, in a word, the whole public should be involved in this process. The mentioned is rather logical as education is a public good.

In modern world the mission of universities is not only to give education, but also to transfer knowledge, skills and competences necessary for independent, creative and active citizen.

ARARAt project, which we're going to implement during 3 years, is aimed to the salvation of theses challenges.

The goal of the project is to promote university – market cooperation, to implement educational reforms according to market needs.

As to achieve that goal .

-         Governing Board and Secretariat will be established

-         Partners capacities will be improved by equipments, trainings and teaching materials providing and implementing effectively university – market cooperation.

-         Descriptors of sectoral and relevant qualifications, qualification framework and database fostering alumni – market cooperation and other tools will be discussed and developed with employers.

-         Will be trained those, who can implement mentioned activities

So the operationalization of the project will promote the implementation of scientific research, education planning and assessment. The project will also promote the enhancement of education quality.

In the framework of Tempus projects, it is the first time that Armenian State University of Economics will coordinate the project, will be responsible for its effective implementation.

Dear partners, I assure that our university will provide all necessary resources and workforce as to realize objectives of the project.

 Summerizing I’d like to wish us good luck in educational reforms and in effective implementatoion of the project.

Thank you.