ASUE Members – Participants of International Conference: Our Lecturer was Awarded a Certificate

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ASUE representatives attended the 4th SSS International Conference  dedicated  to the 70th anniversary of  YSU SSS foundation  and  presented scientific articles in “Economics and Management” department. Here  are  the  ASUE  representatives: Gayane Harutyunyan, PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor  of  the  Chair  of Banking  and  Insurance, Anush Tumanyan, Assistant  Professor of the Chair of Economic Computer Science and Information Systems, Ani Shavarshyan, Master’s Degree  student of the  Department of Regulation of Economy 
and International Economic Rеlations,  and  from ASUE  Gyumri Branch Angela Papikyan, Master’s degree  student  of  Department of  Finance,  Vahram Shaboyan, Bachelor’s degree  student  of Department of Management.

Gayane Harutyunyan’s report on “Assessment Possibilities of Financial Sustainability in Insurance Companies in the  Republic of  Armenia (based on "Ingo Armenia" CJSC example) was  recognized  as the  best  one in “Economics and Management” department, and  the  young  lecturer  was  awarded a certificate  and the  book “Theory of Economics” published  by the YSU Faculty of  Economics  and  Management (authors: H. L. Sargsyan, H. G. Margaryan).

Note, that  the  selection of  reports  was  carried  out by 2  stages.

About 350 reports  were presented in 17 professional departments, representatives of 14 countries had attended the  conference.

We congratulate  Gayane Harutyunyan and other attendees, wish them scientific achievements.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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