ASUE Representatives Attended HERITAG Workshop

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On September 26-29, workshop on quality assurance in higher education and project coordination meeting  were held  in Batumi (Georgia) within frames  of “Education Interdisciplinary Reform in Tourism Management  and Applied Geoinformation Curricula (HERITAG)” project, which was attended  by  Nerses Gevorgyan, Head of ASUE Quality Assurance Division  and Maria Petrosyan, leading specialist of the  same Division.   

The main documents relating to quality assurance in higher education, existing problems and the experience of the Universities  were  presented  and  discussed during the workshop.

Our University representatives presented the  basis for the formation of higher education quality assurance system in Armenia, the current situation and development trends, as well as the  internal system of ASUE quality assurance, the  practice of institutional accreditation  and preparatory  activities  relating  to project accreditation.

A number of current issues, further activity planned within frames of the project, responsibilities and deadlines are set during the meeting.

Representatives of Armenian State University of Economics, National University of Architecture  and Construction of  Armenia  and Polytechnic University of Valencia discussed issues  relating the start and implementation process of the joint Master’s degree project – “Project Management”.

P.S. The project “HERITAG” aims to develop an interdisciplinary reform in higher education programmes at master level and continuing education integrating Geo-information Technologies (GIT) applied to cultural heritage documentation, tourism management and entrepreneurship.

 The project promotes the synergy of three main groups of stakeholders: Universities, industry and Administration. The curricular reform integrates the development of capacities in 3 main national and regional priorities in Georgia and Armenia: Geo-information technologies, cultural heritage preservation and documentation, and fostering tourism business and entrepreneurship.

The  information and  photos  are submitted  by ASUE Quality Assurance Division.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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