The "Social Research" Laboratory presents an electronic analytical report

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ASUE "Social Research" scientific-educational laboratory has launched "Armenia: Social Trends" analytical electronic periodical and the first report is already ready.

Head of the Laboratory, PhD in economics, Associate Professor Yelena Manukyan has presented the publication for posting on the ASUE official website mentioning that its purpose is to analyze and present society the most important trends in the social and economic development of Armenia. This publication includes studies on poverty and labor market trends in Armenia, indicators of the economy's main drive Yerevan. The head of the laboratory has emphasized that the NSS of RA for the first time published the GDP indices per regions, which was the subject of their study.

You can get acquainted with the first publication of the periodical with the following link:էջեր-220//պարբերականներ-3605 :

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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