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Miqayel  Tavadyan, the  Executive  Secretary  of   ASUE  Admission  Committee,  informed  ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division  that  the  admission of  the 2012-2013 academic  years’ Master  programs  implemented  with Armenian State  University  of  Economics  and  the  employers  for  the  first  time  had  taken place.  241  applicants  have  entered  the  following  specialties:  tax administration,  customs administration, state  revenue's analysis and forecasting, organizatyion of  banking,  management  of  collective investment  systems,  real estate  evaluation,  management of  state property,  environmental  expertise  of  economic  activity.

“This  exclusive project  gives  an  opportunity  to  prepare professionals for specific departments  on request  of  latters.  Though  241  applicants  have  entered  for given 300  places, but  I  appreciate the  admission  for   the first year positive  and  hope  that we  will have  full  replenishment  for  the  next  years”,  mentioned  Miqayel  Tavadyan and  informed  that  the  applicants  were  registered  yesterday  and  they  would  pay  the  tuition fee  till  October  10, after  it  contracts would  be  signed  with  them as students.    Miqayel  Tavadyan  reminded that  the  tuition fee  was  470 AMD:  you  can  pay  it  by  “AraratBank”, the account  is  1510002779480100.

Paruyr  Qalantaryan, the  Vice-Rector  of  ASUE  Educational-Methodological  Matters,  informed  that  the  Master  programs  would  start  on  September  24. For  more  information  the  Masters  can  apply  the  Dean  offices  of   the  Department of Regulation of Economy and International  Economic  Rеlations  and  the  Department  of Finance.

P.S.  The  implementation of  these  projects  become  possible  in the  result  of  ASUE  Rector Koryun  Atoyan’s  initiative  to  sign  cooperation agreements  with  a  number  of institutions and departments  since  2011.  Agreements  have  been  signed  with   the RA  State Revenue Committe, the RA Banks' Union, the RA Ministry of  Labour and Social  Affair, the RA State Committee of  Real  Estate, Department of  State Property Management by the  RA Government,  as well as  the RA Ministry of Nature Protection.

Wish  effective  study.