Sofya Ohanyan – Participant of International Philosophical Conference

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On September 25-28, International Philosophical Conference on “Russian Logos: Horizons of Interpretation” held in Saint Petersburg, Russia within frames  of the measures dedicated  to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, which  was  organized  by St. Petersburg State Technological Institute, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy, Russian State University of Humanities, the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (Herzen University), St. Petersburg Philosophical Union.

The conference was dedicated to traditions of Russian thought - philosophical, religious, public-political, literary-artistic manifestations, genre, ideological and historic originality and contradictions.

About 170 researchers from different fields of humanities – philosophers, philologists, historians, literary critics, art critics, sociologists, political scientists, psychologists form Russia, Italy, France, Poland, Japan, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Belarus, participated in the conference. More information is available via the link.

Sofya Ohanyan, Associate Professor of the Chair of Philosophy and Armenian History, PhD in Philosophy,  Senior Researcher of "Public Policy and Security Research" Program of "AMBERD" Research Center, distantly participated in the conference and reported on “Nikolay Mikhailovsky - Great Philosopher-Sociologist”.

The  report is  devoted  to analysis of one of the Russian greatest theorists of the 19th  century Nikolay Mikhailovsky's  philosophical and sociological views by one of the Armenian outstanding philosopher, public and political figure at the beginning of the 20th  century Yervand Frangyan.

The  report of  our  colleague is  published in the collection of materials of the conference  and  is  available at (page 165).

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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