Investment Policy Issues in Armenia: Scientific Seminar at ASUE

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Today, the Chair  of Microeconomics and Organization of Entrepreneurial Activities continued the  series of scientific seminars conducted  within the  frames of chair scientific-research topics, which was attended by Gagik Vardanyan, Vice Rector of  Science  and International Relations, the staff of  Chair headed  by Mikayel Melkumyan, the Chair, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Vice President of the  National Assembly.  Today’s seminar was about the issues of improvement of the RA investment environment and implementation of industrial policy.

Gagik Vardanyan stated  that the  series  of seminars is a good  platform for scientists  and researchers, as it enables to be not only informed, but also to become a participant in professional discussions, which are important ones. In addition, the Vice-Rector highlighted that the outcomes of chair research topics are to be integrated into the learning process.

Mikayel Melkumyan also highlighted the  initiative  of  seminars, stating that regardless of such meetings, their Chair works and keeps professional issues in its spotlight.

Then Ashot Yeghiazaryan, Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor, presented  a report touching the policy, goals, objectives and legislation of Armenia’s investment environment.

The  Chair Mikayel Melkumyan referred  to outcomes  of investment policy, stating that its outcome should be measurable and tangible for  everybody in the context of improving her/his life quality. The Professor  drew  attention on a number of dates  and  stressed that there  are competitive specialists in their Chair, who  can present professional  approaches  to these issues.

Azat Kalantaryan, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, referred  to structure, sources of foreign investments, then the question – why isn’t the  picture of foreign investments inspiring, in spite  of the existing relevant concept, which meets  the  legislative  framework regulating the field and requirements  of market economy? The reason is that the law is not implemented fully. Emma Movsisyan, PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor, referred  to  issues  of  trade policy in our country  and  foreign trade, interconnection of trade and investment policy. Hranush Gabrielyan, PhD in Economics also  spoke on the  topic stressing the  importance of promoting domestic investment.



ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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