The Admission has been Over: Exams are to Start

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Yesterday, admission of part-time Bachelor’s and  Master’s degree for the 2017-2018 academic year was over.

Vadim Grigoryan, Executive Secretary of ASUE Admission Committee, presented the total number of applicants – 230 ones for part-time Bachelor’s degree, 245 ones for  part-time Master’s degree.

ASUE Yeghegnadzor  Branch  has 49 applicants, Gyumri Branch – 24 ones.

“Admission Committee is preparing for  the exams: the threshold interviews of Master’s degree  and  exams  of  Bachelor’s degree (“Armenian Language and Literature”, “Mathematics”, “Foreign Language”) will be conducted from September 29 to October 16. The work of our Committee will be summed  up on November 1”; stated the  Executive Secretary.

Threshold  exams  of Master’s degree applicants will be passed on September 29, at 14:00.

The schedule of exams for  Bachelor’s degree applicants (including Gyumri  and Yeghegnadzor Branches) is available HERE.

Good luck.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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