ASUE student's open lesson at the Meghri school

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ASUE Chair of Theory of Economics initiates professional orientation visits to high schools.

Anna Poghosyan, the first year student of economics profession, recently had an open lesson in the 11th class of the high school in Meghri, Syunik Marz. She presented the future applicants the ASUE specialties, admission procedure, the student’s daily routine.

Then she organized a discussion on "Spiritual and Cultural Needs of the Man". In the second part of the lesson, the ASUE student checked the economic knowledge of the pupils through an interactive game. By the way, Anna Poghosyan is a graduate of that school. She mentioned that students were interested in ASUE, and the Assistant Professor of the Chair of Theory of Economics Gayane Khanumyan added that professional orientation visits to high schools would be continuous.

PS. Photos were provided by the student.

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