Lecture on "Audit Standards Developments"

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Education USA Armenia, with American Councils and the US Embassy has launched a series of "We Share" meetings, within the framework of which the alumni of various US Government programs share their knowledge and experience with RA university’s students. Our university hosted consultant of Education USA Shushanna Abovyan, and Gnel Khachatryan, educated in USA, now BDO Armenia audit manager, who had a lecture on "Audit Standards Developments".

The meeting was organized by ASUE Foreign Relations Division. Acting Dean of the Department of Accounting and Audit  Mary Badalyan, Head of the Chair of Managerial Accounting and Audit Liana Grigoryan, lecturers of the chair, future accountants and audits were present at the meeting.

Vard Ghukasyan, head of the ASUE Foreign Relations Division, had a welcoming speech and represented the guests. Shushanna Abovyan briefly touched upon the Education USA activity and informed that their center provides students with advice on American scholarship programs.

Gnel Khachatryan's speech was dedicated  to the audit system, its purpose, characteristics, the activities of audit organizations and networks, and the audit sphere changes in 2017. The auditor answered students' questions and gave them professional advice.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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