Jubilee Honors and Discussion of Current Issues at ASUE Rectorate’s Board Session (updated)

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There were two jubilees at today’s Rectorate’s Board session – Levon Khcheyan’s 75th anniversary /Associate Professor of the Chair of Theory of Economics, PhD in Economics/, and Garegin Mkhitaryan’s 80th anniversary /Associate Professor of the Chair  of Higher Mathematics, PhD in Physics and Mathematics/.

According to a beautiful tradition, Koryun Atoyan, ASUE Rector, Professor, started the session with congratulatory messages to the jubilees.

Rectorate’s Board members also congratulated  the jubilees, and  the  letters expressed  gratitude to the  University Rectorate’s Board.

Then agenda two issues – the  examination outcomes  of the second  half  of the 2016-2017 academic year, as well as the process of tuition fee payment, were discussed.

Later, Garegin Mkhitaryan's 80th  anniversary was also celebrated at the Chair of Higher Mathematics in an exciting atmosphere. Mher Aghalovyan, the  Chair, Doctor of Sciences, congratulated the jubilee, expressed  gratitude and awarded a gratitude  letter to Garegin Mkhitaryan on behalf of Koryun Atoyan  and himself, underlining the  jubilee’s long-term fruitful activity, exceptional human features, vivid manifestations of patriotism.

The colleagues also  congratulated  Garegin Mkhitaryan and spoke with great respect on his patriotic and civil feats.

“It’s a  kind tradition of our Chair to express gratitude, to celebrate the great jubilees.  Mr. Mkhitaryan stands  on the  bases  of our University  foundation, has great contribution   and we  should evaluate  and  remember his earnings always”; stated Mher Aghalovyan.



ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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