ASUE Yeghegnadzor Branch Conducts Conference on Jubilee Anniversary

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On October 6, conference  on “Innovative Educational Technologies and Regional Development in Armenia” will be  held at ASUE  Yeghegnadzor Branch devoted  to  the 10th anniversary of  the Branch.

It is necessary to submit articles on the following topics:

  • Territorial Development Issues,
  • Innovative Educational Technologies,
  • Intercommunity Cooperation,
  • Management Technology,
  • Spatial Development
  • Human Resource Management,
  • Environmental Education,
  • Financial management,
  • Socio-economic Development of Regions.

 Requirements to the Articles 

  • volume 3-5 pages,
  • data on the author (name, surname, father's name, place of employment, position, academic degree)  in Armenian, Russian, English,
  • article title, keywords (minimum 6 words) and summaries (50-60 word) in three languages,
  • page format A4 (201 X 297 mm)
  • margins 2.5 cm on all sides,
  • font GHEA Grapalat,
  • font size 12,
  • paragraph 1,5,
  • tab 1 cm
  • title in capital letters, font size 14,
  • graph and table font 10,
  • the title of graphs bellow and for tables above,
  • formulas in Equation,
  • references in footnote,
  • articles must be submitted both in the printed and electronic versions,
  • electronic version of a file name must include the author's name and last name.

Deadline for  submitting articles  is October  3, 2017.


Tel.: 094 440 430.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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