Advices for First-year-students

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Educational  life has its own unique rhythm at our University and for freshmen  it is a new and unfamiliar world after school.

Dear first-year-students,

we’ll try to help you with some advices and remind that becoming a student means being more purposeful.

The sense of responsibility and self-esteem are the most important features of the student. Here are our advices for you:

1. Do not  be late, moreover come 10-15 minutes early. It’ll help you to focus  attention before training starts, in order not to earn the name  of badly behaved student,

2.The  University is, first of all, forge of professional education, and the belief that a student does not take lessons every day, as a school, is actually a wrong approach. Have a look at every day’s   lectures   and do the assignments,

3.Visit both ASUE official website –, and ASUE official Facebook page  and you’ll always be informed,

4.Got acquainted with student friends, visit the structural units you should visit frequently – Dean Office, professional Chairs, Educational Division, Library,  Cupboard,

5.Actively cooperate with the  University Library, use QR libraries, improve your knowledge of internet search and downloading books,

6. The University is also a competitive environment: the wise and hardworking student  is noticed and evaluated. Start with a healthy  competitive spirit, compare yourself with well-educated, friendly students,

7.Learn to take down in shorthand the  lectures,

8. Be attentive and caring to the classmates from  regions, they have a problem of adapting both to the University environment, the dormitory and to other urban areas,

9.Cooperate with Student Council: involvement in social and cultural life is also important for the student,

10.Remember, you should get ready for the upcoming intermediate exam today.

Your success is in your hands.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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