Renovated and Modern: ASUE Financial And Economic College Celebrated the Start of the New Academic Year

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Today, ASUE Financial and Economic College solemnly celebrated  the  new academic year. Koryun Atoyan, ASUE Rector, Professor, went to welcome the first-year-students. The  ceremony  was attended  by the staff of College headed by Director Sergey Kharatyan.

“Dear students,

I would like to warmly congratulate you on becoming an  alumnus of the Financial and Economic College of Armenian State University of Economics. I think this new academic year will be memorable for you, as our college entrance allowed you to continue further education in a new format, more specifically and purposefully”; stated ASUE Rector presenting the opportunities  of the College and   stressing  that the College alumni  are able  to use  of the opportunities of the Mother University.

“Dear parents, respectable attendees

As you know, by the decree of the Government of Armenia, the Financial and Economic College has been merged with the Mother University of Economics since 2015. This makes the College’s role more weighty and gives you new opportunities”; stated  Koryun Atoyan (the  whole  message  is  available HERE).

Ruben Arakelyan, Deputy Director of the College, congratulated the alumni on Knowledge Day urging them to  study well, assuring that College  provides modern knowledge, at the  same  time  calling the  alumni to self-education.

Then the  Rector visited auditoriums  and subdivisions  of the College. As you know, ASUE has initiated renovation of the College  and met  this  new  academic year with unprecedented conditions - renovated, reconstructed halls, auditoriums and laboratories.



ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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