Sport-cultural Events in “Tntesaget” Sport-health Resort: Student Festival Was Summed up

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This summer in Dilijan was also active, full and cognitive for ASUE members. “Student Summer -2017” sport-cultural festival was held in “Tntesaget”.  Yesterday  the  festival  was summed up with a gala concert and awards ceremony.  Hovhannes Harutyunyan, ASUE SC President, awarded  the winners. 7 participating teams –teams  of  ASUE 6 Departments and ASUE Financial and Economic College have improved their physical training in sports competitions.

Students  of the Department of Computer Science and Statistics were known as the  best ones in table tennis, volleyball, chess, string lifting, shooting competitions. They  have  recorded the highest results and  won the  cup  with 17 points. The prize winners were awarded medals and diplomas. The festival participants enjoyed a cognitive visit to the Jukhtak monastery.

So, the summer is  coming to an end and  ASUE students are  getting ready to summed up the vacation participating in “Baze” Panarmenian youth gathering (the start - August 21). For a few more days students will enjoy their rest in “Tntesaget”  and, of course, will meet the new academic year with enthusiasm, high mood.



ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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