Spring Stage of Training Courses of Civil Servants at ASUE: Certificates were Awarded

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Armenian State  University of Economics  has won 3 projects  in contest of training courses of the  RA CSC staff – “Methods of Statistical Analysis”, “The RA Foreign Economic Relations and the Eurasian Union”, “Rational use of Environment and Natural Resources Potential”.

Today, the  spring stage  was over by a ceremony of awarding certificates,  which was  attended  by Grigor Nazaryan, Dean of the Department of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations, Diana  Galoyan, the  Chair  of  International Economic Relations (they  have  delivered  lectures), Aida  Arustamyan, Head of Lifelong Education and Career Division.

Awarding the certificates, ASUE representatives congratulated the  civil servants  and asked  to come up with recommendations. In response  the trainees  expressed satisfaction regarding the  conducted  trainings.

P.S. ASUE  Lifelong Education and Career  Division organizes the training courses. Aida  Arustamyan mentions  that the trainings will start in September.

We  congratulate all trainees  and  wish professional achievements.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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