Working Meeting Within “Erasmus +” Program

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Today, the  national office  of “Erasmus +” program initiated working meeting  at ASUE International Programs  Center, which  was  attended  by IROs’ employees of more  than  20 state  and private Universities.  Vard Ghukasyan, Head of  ASUE Foreign Relations Division, represented  our  University.

Lana  Karlova, Program Coordinator  of “Erasmus +” national office, welcomed  the attendees  and  stated  that it’s  already  high  time to conduct  such  format  meeting  and  assured  that it’ll be  useful  and effective one in terms of communication and exchange of experience, effective participation in future projects. She  mentioned  that the key issue  of the  meeting is the international credit mobility,  called the  participants  to express  their  opinions  freely  and after introducing the  agenda  she spoke on projects planned in 2014-2020, member countries, key actions.

Then Edit Soghomonyan  and Ani Torosyan, Program Officers  of the  national  office, presented  the reformed new website of “Erasmus +” program,  which  is available since April  and is more flexible and practical for visitors.  They mentioned that some additions and changes can be  done in case of suggestions or comments. Program Officers carried  out monitoring  of  international credit mobility within the frames  of  the program.

There  were  two  presentations  in the agenda:  Vard Ghukasyan, Head of  ASUE  Foreign Relations Division, presented the  image of international credit mobility of our  University. She  focused  attention on study  and teaching experience of our  students, professors  and administrative staff in partner countries and their success. Syuzanna Shamakhyan, IRO officer, presented internationalization achievements of Russian-Armenian (Slavonic).

At the  end  of  the  meeting cooperation models  with Austria, Hungary and Slovakia were discussed.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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