Master’s Degree Students’ Regular Research

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First-year Master’s degree students of Business organization specialty led by Mikayel Mardumyan, acting Head of the  Chair of  Commerce and Business  Organization carried out scientific-research activities, the presentation of which took place today with the participation of Gagik Vardanyan, Vice-Rector for Science and International Relations, Paruir Kalantaryan, Vice-Rector  on Education Matters, Tatul Mkrtchyan, Dean of the Department of Marketing and Business Organization, Heads and staff members of different divisions of ASUE.

The research was carried out in the frames of “Design of Business processes” module and the Master’s degree students worked in two groups. Particularly,  Anahit Galstyan, Nare Aghamalyan, Ashkhen Nigoyn, Karen Sughyan, Gevorg Davtyan, Hayk Sahakyan and Hamlet Avetisyan  studied the following topic: “Analysis and design of business processes of Deanery” and Anik Araqekyan, Lusine Inants, Sargis Ghukasyan, Syune Margaryan, Syuzi Aghajanyan, Narine Sedrakyan, Vanik Tazayan, Astghik Yesayan implemented research on this topic;  “Business process organization of Chair”. The students studied in details the functions and tasks of their deanery and chair, talked to the staff members, gathered information and presented proposals on the optimization and efficiently management of the abovementioned divisions.

The authors of the “Analysis and design of business processes of Deanery” research topic offer to use newest technologies in the activity of deanery, for instance, automation of correspondence, creation of electronic database of students. As a conclusion, according to students, the impact of human factor and possibility of mistakes will decrease and the management of processes will increase. The Master’s degree students elaborated algorithm with a descriptive example: if one can reach from point A to B in 8 steps, the innovation will provide the opportunity to pass the road in 3 steps.

The  authors of “Business process organization of Chair” research  introduced description of the Chair’s main activities, made recommendations, which are essentially aimed at increasing accountability.

It’s suggested  to carry out periodic review of educational and training programs, as well as forming regulations for monitoring.

After presentation active discussion was  held, Vice Rectors highly evaluated  the research outcomes, made remarks, stressing that that modernization activities are  being carried  out, many processes are still under development stage.

Mikayel Melkumyan told  ASUE Media and Public Relations Division that it’s needed  to deepen research activities still, but in general, the conclusions  and corresponding recommendations are valuable  and it’s planned  to present the final outcomes  to the University Leadership.

“For Master’s degree students scientific-research work has a significant importance, during this academic year it is already the second initiative. It’s important that besides the development of research skills, students became skillful also in group work (the whole group was not engaged)”  mentioned the Chair adding that in the new academic year he would not deliver lectures to this group, but he would keep in his sight all the students who have research potential and would continue the cooperation with them in the future.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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