Diplomas to Graduates of the British School of Business (BSB) Armenia

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Graduate certificates to graduates of the British School of Business (BSB) Armenia were awarded at Armenian State University of Economics on May 27.

ASUE Foreign Relations Division informs  that Lusine Danielyan, Director of the Business School, opened  the  measure, welcomed  the  attendees. The  best  students Liana Avetisyan, Ani Petrosyan, Ashot Baghyan  and Tamara Najaryan briefly presented their graduate works. Then, Khoren Mkhitaryan, Head of Science  and PhD Division, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, and Diana  Galoyan, acting Head of the  Chair of International Economic Relations, Doctor of Sciences /Economics/, Associate Professor, made congratulatory remarks, who also teach in British Business School and supervise graduate works.

At the  end  of the  solemn ceremony, Koryun Atoyan, ASUE Rector, Professor, congratulated the  graduates, their families  and professors, then awarded certificates.

P.S. Graduates of the British School of Business (BSB) Armenia (Part of the London School of Commerce (LSC) Group of Colleges (UK) in Association with Anglia Ruskin University (UK)) were awarded diploma of Anglia Ruskin University (UK) within the  frames  of joint program.

P.S. Photos  are  submitted  by ASUE Foreign Relations Division.




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