Scholarship after Murad Sargsyan to 1st year Best Students

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Solemn ceremony of awarding scholarship certificates after Murad Sargsyan was held at ASUE Yeghegnadzor Branch on May 27, which was attended  by Sos Khachikyan, Branch Director, professors, students, members of the Sargsyan family.

10 students with  high academic progress were awarded the scholarship. Anna  Sargsyan, wife of Murad Sargsyan, awarded the  certificates.

Note, that library-reading hall  at  ASUE Yeghegnadzor  Branch was named after Murad sargsyan on May 27, 2012.

The  reading hall  was equipped with digital blackboard, computer, TV  and DVD by support of the  Sargsyan family.

We congratulate the awardees of the scholarship and wish  success  in study.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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