Koryun Atoyan Attended Festive Events in Artsakh

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Yesterday, Koryun Atoyan, ASUE Rector, Doctor of Sciences /Economics/, Professor,  attended festive events dedicated  to May Triple Holiday – Victory in Great Patriotic War, the 25th anniversary of  formation of Defense Army of Republic of Artsakh  and Shushi Liberation.

As we know, the Armenians celebrated the anniversary of the events of unprecedented importance in the life of our people yesterday. The day  was  marked by patriotic events  in Artsakh, mentioning the  historical achievements  of our people  once again.

Koryun Atoyan participated in almost all events in Nagorno-Karabak: attending military march at the Revival Square in Stepanakert, then to the memorial of victims of the Great Patriotic War and Artsakh Liberation War, placed flowers to Tank-memorial pedestal in  Shushi.

ASUE Rector also participated in the ceremony to pay tribute at the monument of Vazgen Sargsyan to his memory  and  the  festival concert.

Koryun Atoyan has received the invitation from the State Commission on Organizing Celebrations in Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

ASUE Rector  is impressed by his visit to Artsakh, events  and  meetings.

“The events were organized at a high level and it was gratifying to see how the persistence and optimism of the people of Artsakh won the war are engaged in upgrading the Country. And  I think, that Armenian each structure should assist the Government  and people of Artsakh within the  frames  of its authority, its functions, aimed to realize the  achieved victory in peaceful  life”; Koryun Atoyan stated.

 P.S. ASUE has a cooperation memorandum with Artsakh State University. Cooperation issues have been discussed  with the President Bako Sahakyan on April 28. More information on the meeting - http://www.asue.am/en/media/news-143/asue-rector-koryun-atoyan-met-nkr-president-bako-sahakyan-3002.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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