Final Attestation Process at ASUE: Rector’s Visit to Graduate Courses

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The final attestation process of full-time Bachelor’s degree, started on April 28, is going on at Armenian State University of Economics. As a tradition, Koryun Atoyan took a tour to examination auditoriums,  visited graduate students presenting their  research works.

First, Koryun Atoyan visited the 4th year students of  Banking specialty. Narek Sargsyan, Head of  Financial System Forecasting Division of the RA CB Financial System Stability and Development Department, PhD in Economics, is the Chairman of  final attestation committee. Arpine Jraghatspanyan, was presenting her graduate  work  on “The assessment of the competitive position of  the RA  commercial banks in banking services market and measures to strengthen them”, at the  moment of Rector’s visit.

Andranik Khachatryan, Financial Director of “MAP” CJSC, is the Chairman of  final attestation committee of Audit and Economic Analysis specialties. After  listening to Anna  Tovmasyan’s presentation on  “Analysis of the Operational Costs”  Koryun Atoyan asked questions  relating to Armenian banks’ activities.

Gagik Yeganyan,  Deputy to Chief of Staff of the RA State Committee of the Real Estate Cadastre, PhD in Economics, is the  Chairman of  final attestation committee of Land and Property Relations specialty. Lyuba Iritsyan was presenting her research on “The Role and Importance of Land Balance in Management of State and Land Policy”.

P.S. Before  the  process starts Koryun Atoyan met the Committee Chairmen -

P.S. Presentation of  graduate work of full-time Bachelor’s  and Master’s degree will continue till May 26,  and the one of  part-time Bachelor’s degree will start on May 29.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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