Strengthening Nation-army Relations: ASUE SC in Artsakh – “We are Artsakh” Project

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ASUE  students are joined under the SC military-patriotic new project “We are Artsakh”, started  on April 28: Koryun Atoyan, ASUE  Rector,  and Sergey Kharatyan, SC President, met Bako Sahakyan, President of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (more information on the meeting - HERE).

On April 29-30, dozens of  students  were in Artsakh Republic, visited military units, school of  frontier village, historical-cultural sights.

First,  the  students  visited military camp of Arajamugh, Hadrut, then the primary school  after Zabel Yesayan. ASUE  representatives  met  and  talked  to Karina Mkrtchyan, the School Director,  and  pupils, awarded  them surprise  gifts, school bags and stationery.

Students also  visited the  military  unit of Jrakan (Jebrail), had a dinner  with soldiers, then conducted musical  measure dedicated to the 25th anniversary  of the Liberation of Shushi.

On April 30, students visited historical-cultural sights in Artsakh and  then came  back to Yerevan.

Sergey Kharatyan  stated  that  “We are Artsakh”  project is  implemented  under the auspices of  ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan and Youth Foundation of Armenia; “This  initiative  aims at  strengthening nation-army  relation. “We are Artsakh” project is  inclusive: ongoing visits to military units, schools in Artsakh  are  planned within the  frames  of it”.

This  project is also a cognitive  one. The  students  get a chance to reveal the Armenian Second Republic - Artsakh. Shogher Arazyan, the 3rd year student of assurance specialty, was greatly  impressed by the two-day-visit to Artsakh.

The  photos  are  submitted  by ASUE SC.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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