Representative of ASUE “AMBERD” Research Center Attended Workshop on “One zone, single-lane road” Megaproject in China

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Armen Ktoyan, coordinator  of  “Research of Educational Process and Technologies” program, ASUE “AMBERD” Research Center, PhD in Economic, Associate Professor, has  recently returned from People's Republic of China, where he  attended a two-week-workshop. 25 representatives  from Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan attended seminar on “One zone, single-lane road”  and  “Affiliated Development in Eurasia”, which  was  initiated  by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and  was organized by Chinese Association of  Financial Development, Promotion, Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia Institute and International Cooperation Department of the above mentioned Academy. Note, that participation fees were  covered  by the organizers.

We  talked  to Armen Ktoyan about the visit, outcomes  and future plans, he  was so impressed of the visit, noting that they  had attended the  lectures delivered by  scientist of leading Universities in China, as well as by representatives of China’s largest private companies.

“China  has proclaimed “One zone, single-lane road” initiative aimed  to  connect China with Europe through land and sea. And within the  frames  of this initiative, it’s planned  to intensify relations, to develop bilateral and multilateral cooperation with this  zone countries.  This is  one of  the pillars of China’s foreign policy and  they  mentioned  that implementation of this project could become an alternative to the Western model of globalization. According to proponents of this idea, it’s necessary and possible to develop and to implement a new format of cooperation between countries based on mutual interest (win-win principle)”; Armen Ktoyan presented. He  mentioned  that representatives  of public sector  and research community of 7 countries were  selected  to  participate in the  seminar.

As it’s known, ASUE “AMBERD” Research Center has  started close  cooperation with Chinese Academy of Social Sciences by efforts of Vardan Atoyan, Vice Chairman of Expertise Board, Ph.D, Associate Professor.

The workshop agenda was full, participants had various visits, they attended the  opening of Silk Road Academy, which activity aimed  at supporting mutually beneficial cooperation between countries involved in conceptual framework of “One zone, single-lane road”, as well as providing expert assistance to project implementation. 

Armen Ktoyan stressed that “AMBERD” Research Center plans to  sign cooperation agreement with Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. We would like to intensify cooperation both with Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and also with its separate specialized subunits, in addition, to clarify the practical and legal framework for cooperation.


 ASUE Media  and Public relations Division 

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