“Innovative and Institutional Researches” SEL has released an electronic periodical

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University’s Scientific-educational laboratory continues to replenish our periodicals repository.Innovative and Institutional Researches” SEL has released Armenia: Innovative and Institutional developments electronic periodical. Head of the Laboratory, PhD, Associate Professor Atom Margaryan told us that the e-periodical is in Armenian and English and aims to analyse and briefly represent the overall view and trends of mains innovation and institutional developments of Armenia. The Russian version also will be available soon.

Atom Margaryan noted that the laboratory intensively works with master’s students and post graduate researchers interested in research and innovation issues. The upcoming releases of the periodical will be mostly cognitive, orienting and informative. Later printing standards will be tightened and proper to international standards and we will finally succeed to be on the international electronic research platform and may be included in the reputed international organizations (Scopus, Web of Science).

Periodical is available at the following link

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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