"Tntesaget" is an interesting, full of important comments and discoveries magazine

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The first number of “Tntesaget” magazine of the 2018 year has been published. Here you can find the important events of the ASUE, achievements, comments on economy, economic news and etc. Interesting themes are waiting for you. Students can get the new number from the Dean’s Offices and the lecturers from their Chairs. At the moment the magazine has been distributed to Departments, Chairs and Administrative units. You can also find the magazine in the reading hall. Electronic  version of  “Tntesaget”  is  available  on the  official  website  of  ASUE (www.asue.am)  by the following link: http://media.asue.am/upload/tntesaget/2017/TERT2018-1.pdf

We wish you a pleasant reading.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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