ASUE Representatives at N198 High School

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Mutual visits  in the frames  of cooperation between ASUE  and High Schools are continued.

Yesterday, Lusine  Karagulyan, Program Coordinator, professor at the Chair of Languages, Karmen Grigoryan, Vice Dean of the Department of  Marketing and Business Organization, Assistant  Professor at the Chair of International Economic Relations, visited N198 High School (ASUE  has cooperation memorandum with the mentioned  School), met  Artashes Torosyan, School Director, then pupils.

ASUE professors  referred  to University Departments, specialties, admission process, tuition fees, discount system, student life, answered the pupils’ questions. They  drew the pupils’ attention on a film about ASUE, handed “Tntesaget” official magazine.

While interviewing, Lusine  Karagulyan  mentioned  that pupils are  interested in ASUE, and it’s  planned  to host them in ASUE soon.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations  Division 

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