We Bear the Goals and Aspirations of Our Fighting Friends: Commemoration Measures Devoted to April-Four-Day-War

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A year after an April-four-day-war: today, Armenian State University of Economics initiated remembrance and commemoration measures.

Koryun Atoyan, ASUE Rector, Professor, Karen Avagyan, Coordinator of Board of Trustees Youth Foundation of Armenia 
RA Member of Parliament, ASUE students and participant soldiers of the Four-day-war paid tribute to the memory of their friends died during the War at the cross-stone monument, opened on these days last year in the park named after national hero Tatul Krpeyan.

The  measure, initiated by ASUE SC, was continued in the University Big Hall, which was  attended by ASUE Rector, Vice Rectors, members of Faculty staff, students. Awardees of the Order of “Battle Cross” 2nd  degree Harutyun Badalyan, Gevorg Manukyan, Shuli Hakobyan  and  Rafayel Hovhannisyan were among the honorable guests.  

 Koryun Atoyan mentioned  that it’s  already a year that the first days  of  April got new significance for us: they confirm April-four-day-war. The Rector  introduced our  heroes, expressing gratitude for  the  demonstrated courage.

Koryun Atoyan mentioned  that military-patriotic activity is one of the key ones in our  University, we  had close ties with the Army, we  visit military unites very often and  military-patriotic measures  are stable components of the  University everyday life.

Then the  heroes  of the  measure made speeches- they  are worthy to the highest awards they got.



ASUE Media  and Public Relations  Division 

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