ASUE Employee Attended International School of the RF Prestigious Institute

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Vardan Atoyan, Ph.D, Associate Professor of Political Sciences at Armenian State University of  Economics, attended the IX International Young Political Scientists School  “Integration Processes in the Post-soviet Space: Problems and Prospects” from April 2-8, 2017, organized by the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (RISS) established by the President of the Russian Federation.

M. Fradkov, RISS Director, RF Prime  Minister in 2004-2007, Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service in 2007-2016,  made opening remarks.

RISS’ leading research workers with extensive scientific and practical experience held a series of lectures and round tables for the School participants. The main workshop topics were: development prospects of integration projects in the post-soviet space; external factors shaping the CIS countries policy; development of the economic potential, including the transport integration within the Eurasian Economic Union; influence of Western countries and China on the CIS countries policy; the historic policy and the international relations of the commonwealth countries, and other important topics

In addition to the lectures, the School participants made presentations, which will be published in a separate collection soon.

In the frames of the scientific measure our colleague  presented a report “Interaction Issues of the EAEU Countries’  Think Tanks  in the  Context of Integration Processes: Challenges and Prospects”.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations  Division 

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