Employees of ASUE and “AMBERD” Research Center were Trained in Portugal

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Vard Ghukasyan, Head of  ASUE Foreign Relations  Division and Shushan Movsisyan, junior researcher of “AMBERD” Research Center, attended training courses at University of Porto, Portugal, held from March 27-31, 2017, in the frames  of “Erasmus +” program. About 35 employees of the partner Universities attended the training course. The  representatives  of  the host University presented  reports introducing their  University  activities (academic, scientific, activities  with  graduates, research, internationalization processes, etc.).

Vard Ghukasyan mentioned that the training course  for members of administrative staff was a wonderful opportunity for internationalization process of our  University, getting acquainted with international experience and localizing it, getting necessary funding for training course.

Active discussion, especially on “Erasmus +” program, were held by employees of Universities from different countries: each of them presented their  University activities in the  context of internationalization, they spoke  about the  steps aimed at increasing efficiency”; she  mentioned.

Shushan Movsisyan was impressed with Research Support Center of University of  Porto, which coordinates all research activities. She  mentioned that the  University has about 50 research centers. Junior researcher of ASUE “AMBERD” Research Center drew attention on “Science and Technology Park” of the  University, which supports to  exchange  of knowledge between University  and Market.

Our employees  are  ready  to  act with suggestions to invest the  best experience in ASUE. The working visit was enriched with a cultural dialogue. The  most  characteristic national cuisine dishes were presented (see the photo).

The photos  are  submitted by  our colleagues.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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