Knowledge and Skills: Student Workshop. Koryun Atoyan Attended Interuniversity Measure

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On March 25-26, ASUE Student Council joint with Youth Foundation of Armenia conducted “Success” interuniversity student workshop with “Your success is our goal” slogan, which brought  together about 100 students from 7 Armenian Universities-Armenian State University of Economics, Yerevan State University, Armenian State Pedagogical University, French University in Armenia and other state and non-state Universities.

During a two-day-workshop students revealed secrets how to be competitive in the labor market, then applied  and strengthened the acquired knowledge via game competitions and interviews. The winners were awarded.

 Koryun Atoyan, ASUE Rector, Professor, made opening remarks. Highly evaluating the SC initiative, the University Head noted that besides the fundamental knowledge acquired  in the University, non-formal knowledge is also important for students, which contribute to formation of applied skills.

“Non-formal education has become an integral part of our reality. Open lectures, trainings, meetings and various courses with specialists involved in practical activities have become important accompanying element of  our education system. So, besides fundamental studies, students get information on topics they are interested in, listen to the advice of experts, who have already achieved some success, become familiar to their experience. That is, if you get a basic knowledge in the University and non-formal education is formed to  serve to personal interests and needs of people”; University Head mentioned.

Sergey Kharatyan, SC President, mentioned that they  focused  attention on raising students’ professional skills, exchanging knowledge and experience according to the requirements of labor market, that’s why interuniversity conferences and workshops are traditionally organized.

After discussions and lectures delivered by invited   specialists, students received instructions and best performers were awarded prizes.

Summing up and highly evaluating the results of workshop, Grisha Amirkhanyan, Vice President of SC, Hovhannes Harutyunyan, Deputy President, and Zepyur Alexanyan, Head of Committee of External Affairs,   awarded certificates to students.

Congratulations to winners, attendees and organizers.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations  Division 

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