Features of Translation Tool

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Delivering interactive open lectures  on actual topics  and methods is  time imperative. ASUE professors, following the educational requirements, constantly come up with new initiatives. Sona Tabaghyan, professor /German/ at the Chair of  Languages, delivered a lecture on “Translation Tool: Instructions, Methods, Features” for the 1st year students of Theory of Economics specialty today. The topic was discussed both in German and Armenian. The  measure  was attended by Susanna  Chalabyan, Head of Chair of Languages and professors. 

Welcoming the  attendees Sona  Tabaghyan mentioned  that we often use foreign sources while studying topics, carrying out research and we deal with translation tools, so it's important to be familiar with the “nuances”.

Summing up the lecture, the speaker mentioned  that translation work is constantly developing one and needs innovations.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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