ASUE Professors’ Research Works in International Scientific Magazines

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Tsovinar Karapetyan, Arpenik Muradyan, Associate Professors at the Chair of Macroeconomics, and Vanine Yeranosyan, Assistant Professor at the Chair of Finance, carried out joint scientific research on “Some Features of Deposit Policy in the Republic of Armenia”, the results  of which were published in March 3, 2017 edition of “Chronos” scientific magazine within the frames of the 13th international scientific conference.

In the article questions to ensure the attraction of the population's savings into commercial banks are reviewed. In this aspect, the statistical data of the banking system of Armenia was examined, and the main trends of proportionality of individuals' deposits in AMD and in foreign currency were identified, the level of 16 dollarization and its changes in recent years was calculated, and the factors influencing the choice of the bank by depositors as their main brand were examined. As a result of the research of commercial banks’ activities, the main features of the deposit policy were revealed and were proposed appropriate actions required to improve the effectiveness of this policy. The  article  is available via the  mentioned  link:  (15 page).

Arpenik Muradyan informs  that the results of another research on “Economic Results of Customs Policy of the Republic of Armenia” was published in N12, 2017 of “Содружество” Russian-Chinese scientific journal (within the frames of the 12th scientific-practical conference).

The article deals with the quantitative and qualitative changes in the main indicators of foreign trade of the Republic of Armenia after the accession to the WTO and especially the results of the customs policy of recent years, in particular are evaluated the indexes after membership of the RA in the EAEC.

The  article is available via  the  mentioned  link:  (50 page).

We congratulate authors, wish fruitful scientific work.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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