1st Year Students Deliver an Open Lecture: Labor La

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The 1st year students of  Finance specialty delivered an interesting open lesson within the  frames  of “Law” course, referring to labor law, discussing the key issues on employer-employee relationship.

Geghetsik Grigoryan, Associate Professor at the Chair of Law and Political Science, PhD in Law, initiated the  lecture and supported  the  students to study the topic comprehensively, to make proper use of sources, to compare facts, to analyze and to prepare interesting presentation.  The open lecture was attended by Lyuba Mehrabyan, Head of the mentioned Chair, and Ashot Salnazaryan, Head of the Chair of Finance.

Geghetsik Grigoryan welcomed  the attendees, noting that the topic is actual  and is referred  to one of important law of our life, that’s labor. 

“It’s noteworthy, the survey of 132 countries showed that people attach great importance to labor law after the one of  life”; the  lecturer quoted and  gave the floor to students.

Ani Yeghoyan, Varduhi Muradyan, Anna Azizyan presented the issues on nature of employment contract, regulation of defining working hours, types of rest, labor discipline, rewards, material responsibility in the  context of employer and employee rights and responsibilities set by the RA Labor Code.

While interviewing Geghetsik Grigoryan  mentioned that conducting such research work  is  very  important for the 1st year students, as they start to develop skills of carrying out research, legal thinking, assuming a great responsibility to realize the education law.



ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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