ASUE Hosted Pupils: the Entrants were Impressed

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Interested eyes, discoveries and a number of questions: within the frames  of ASUE-schools cooperation program  our  University hosted pupils of a  number of schools in Yerevan and neighboring regions, including entrants of this year, teachers and parents today.

This was regular informative meeting and it’s interesting that the  entrants were first introduced to the University they are interested in-Mother University of Economics.

Mihrdat Harutyunyna, Vice Rector on Educational-organizational Matters, Lusine Karagulyan, Program Coordinator, professor at the Chair of Languages,  Mary Badalyan, Executive Secretary of ASUE Admission Committee, Tatul Mkrtchyan, Dean of Department of Marketing and Business Organization, met and welcomed them in ASUE Big Hall.

Lusine Karagulyan made opening remark, introducing the agenda of meeting. Mihrdat Harutyunyan welcomed the attendees on behalf of the University Leadership and Faculty staff, noting that the day is a memorable one, as the guest are future students, the creators of our country’s future.

The Vice Rector comprehensively presented ASUE Departments, specialties, duration of full-time and part-time academic programs, tuition fees, “AMBERD” Research Center, technical saturation, ASUE College and etc..

Marry Badaylayn presented  the admission procedure, admission exams. More information on this year’s admission is available via the  mentioned  link:

Tatul Mkrtchyan  and Razmik Petrosyan, Associate Professor  at the  Chair  of Environmental Economics,  welcomed the pupils  and  highlighted the conscious choice of profession, as it is vital for whole life, called to use the student years properly.

Ruben Arakelyan, Vice Director of ASUE College, presented it, stressing that the College has entered a stage of reforms needed for modern education.

Hovhannes Harutyunyan, Vice President of SC, presented the structure activities.

Then the pupils took a tour  around the University, getting acquainted with auditoriums, library, gyms, student council.

Misha Tonoyan, the 10th form pupil of Kanakeravan Secondary School, told  ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division that he’s interested  in Banking specialty and wants to  study at ASUE, so he’s greatly interested in informative meetings, and today it’s great opportunity to visit ASUE.

Igor Nigoyan, the 9th form pupil of N169 School, mentioned that he’s interested in ASUE College and he has planned to become its alumnus, then to continue the study at ASUE.

Good luck to all entrants.



ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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