About Economics and Fascinating Phenomena-In English

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Today, English training of the 1st year  of Theory of Economics specialty wasn’t “usual”: lecturer, Associate Professor of the Chair of Languages Lusine Harutyunyan gave the floor to students, who spoke on economics and fascinating phenomena. The lecture  was  attended  by Head of the Chair, Associate Professor  Susanna  Chalabyan.

 Interesting topics, fluent English, professional style of presentation: the 1st year students attracted the attendees immediately.

The speakers referred  to the World's greatest cities, such as Chicago, Singapore, Tokyo, Hong Kong, the most influential economists- Adam Smith, John Keynes, Jan Tinbergen, Alfred Marshall, Milton Friedman and others, top ten best-selling products- "Coca-Cola", "iPhone",  "iPad",  “Harry Potter books, "Rubik's cube", etc.

Lusine  Harutyunyan mentioned  that such lectures will certainly contribute to verbally communicate in English, conduct research, present their skills to the audience.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division talked  to one of the speaker-students Andranik Margaryan, who mentioned that he had prepared  for  the open lecture with love and responsibility, as he loves English and research work.

"English is opening a gateway to the international arena, so the nowadays student must know this language, be able to communicate with the World. And we highlight theses lectures, as we acquire new skills  and knowledge”; the  student mentioned.


 ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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