“Progress”-Opportunity to Coordinate and Fulfill Business Ideas

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SC Academic Committee started “Progress” project, within the frames  of which  seminar-discussions guiding the students  having  business ideas are conducted by experienced businessmen.

Today, Founding Director of Antic Arts School,  Co-founder of “Business Assets” School Nelli Davtyan was  hosted  at our University, who tried to present how to write “Start-up” business plan.

“Business starts from the idea”; she  said  and  added if there are no ideas it can be created based on preferences  and demand.  

The  speaker presented  her own experience-she loves children and art and combining these she has created her own business-founding exclusive art school for children in Armenia-that’s to paint with fingers, it is the only school in the Region.

In the  interview President of Academic Committee Grigor Voskerchyan said that it’s planned  to join the  outcomes of the “Progress” project and to present business ideas of ASUE students in order to receive the RA Government funding.

Good luck to future businessmen.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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