“Vocational Orientation Day”: ASUE Representatives Visited Schools

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Armenian State University of Economics goes on cooperating actively with High Schools: today our  representatives visited 2 High Schools in Yerevan.

Program Coordinator  for ASUE cooperation with High Schools, Lecturer of the Chair of Languages Lusine Karagulyan, Vice Dean of the Department of Marketing and Business Organization, Assistant Professor of the Chair of International Economic Relations Karmen Grigoryan  and Associate Professor of the Chair of Theory of Economics Narine Khlghatyan visited N189 High School after Samvel Gevorgyan, met the Director Sergey Petrosyan and Head Teacher Nuritsa Harutyunyan, discussed issues  on interaction, signed cooperation memorandum.

Then ASUE representatives  met the 11-12th form pupils and made speeches submitting information on Mother University of Economics.

Reference was made to various directions of ASUE activity-specialties, scientific-research life, social projects and etc.. Karmen Grigoryan and the 4th year student of Department of Marketing and Business  Organization  Marieta Baghdasaryan submitted  information on modern specialty /marketing/ via a video and conducted an interesting game-awarding prizes to pupils guessing logos and slogans of the world known brands.

ASUE information catalogue and “Tntesaget” magazine were awarded pupils. Lusine Karagulyan mentioned  that pupils are  greatly interested in our University and most of them have the desire to get professional education at  our University.

ASUE representatives visited N29 High School  after Andranik Margaryan and signed cooperation memorandum with the Director Ruzanna Sarukhanyan.

P.S. Our representatives  have recently conducted an informative meeting for the pupils of the mentioned school.


 ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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