Qualified Auditor Ara Chalabyan Conducted a Training at ASUE

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Chairman of “Institute of Internal Auditors-Armenia” NGO, Chief Auditor of Internal Audit Group of the RA CB, Member of the Associations of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Information Systems Audit and Control (ISAC), recent years’ best lecturer of Agribusiness Teaching Center… these are only a part of  young economist Ara Chalabyan’s working biography.

Yesterday, Ara Chalabyan conducted a training on “Internal Audit” by joint initiative of the Head of the Chair of Languages Susanna Chalabyan and the Chair of  Managerial Accounting and Auditing.

The meeting was attended by Susanna Chalabyan, Heads of Chairs of Managerial Accounting and Auditing, Financial Accounting Liana Grigoryan and Alvard Sargsyan, professors, students.

As told us Susanna Chalabyan, it’s originally planned to conduct a training in the framework of English Speaking Club in English, but many students were interested in the topic and the speaker, so it was decided to conduct it in the native language.

The key emphases of the training were the essence, role, mission and provided results of internal audit, the required professional qualifications of internal auditor. Ara Chalabyan mentioned  that the internal audit in Armenia is best developed in banking system and telecommunications sector. Then the economist spoke about the principles adopted  by his working team in the Central Bank, stressing the importance of joint work and the contribution of everyone. Creativity, critical thinking and objectivity are the characteristics that the auditors must have.

A reference was made to  history, mission of “Institute of Internal Auditors-Armenia” NGO, the letter brings together the country’s internal auditors, organizes events and trainings, introducing the world practice.

“Become  a full citizen of the World, develop business language, English, and go on developing”; Ara Chalabyan urged the students based on his own experience.

Liana Grigoryan summed up the meeting, thanked the guest for interesting meeting, inviting him to form a partnership with ASUE and conduct trainings  often.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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