ASUE team for the first time won the right to participate at the men's volleyball championship

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ASUE held men's volleyball match of the highest league championship of Armenia between ASUE and Gyumri teams on March 10, 2018.

Our team won with the 3:0 score. Hovhannes Gabrielyan, the head of Physical Training, Emergency   Situations and Civil   Defense Chair informed about our success and emphasized that victory was an important achievement and a promising start.

So ASUE team for the first time won the right to participate at the volleyball championship of Armenia. The first game will be on April 11-15.

ASUE team’s coach is Karen Asmaryan, general secretary of the Volleyball Federation of Armenia.

Congratulations to our volleyball players. We wish you victories in the upcoming games.

Photos from the Chair of Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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